
Once upon a time a journey began
Night had fallen
All I needed was a hand to guide me through
Amazingly you gave me yours
Not even knowing what to face
But offering hope for days to come
That’s where it all began

Excavation had started
Deeper and deeper
Into the turmoil
Wondering what might come next
Never expecting to survive

All my demon spirits
Chasing me
Eventually to set them free
Dancing on the edge of sanity

Flickering lights
Tears made desert come alive
Melting away anguish and pain
Ball and chain

Discovering worlds behind the walls
Step by step
Following hidden tracks
To the bottom of my soul
Drowning to the surface
Heading for the inner crystal
That feeds life

Years gone by
Now and then never give in
Always at my side to make the river flow again
Companion – that’s what you’ve been to me
Mother, sister, all-woman – teaching me the way to be free

You gave me shelter, warmth and space
Encouragement and arms to cry in
Helped getting up again

The child has grown up
Found the treasure in herself
Once the girl can fly it’s time to say goodbye
And as good mothers do you let her go

Tears run up in my eyes
Heart is bleeding, spirit is singing, soul is dancing
Deep inside so strong
Deep inside nothing is wrong
Still the same but me

Let’s hug goodbye
Gimme your smile
I’m gonna miss you
Beloved midwife, take my blessing
I’ll think of you forever and a day

Witchcraft – that means: to grow like you and me.

In deep love
Daughter of Light

Worte einer Klientin an ihre Therapeutin
beim Abschied von der Therapie.

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